Thursday, February 28, 2008

Unit Five: The New Testament

Although all of the Bible is important to us, as Christians, our faith is really shaped by the New Testament. As we begin this study, you may be interested in the relationship between the New Testament and the Old Testament. Go to this link to get a perspective on that relationship.

New Testament Canon Lecture

Here is some more information about the canon for you to take a look at.

Gospels Lecture

Some Christians are concerned that the Gospels were written thirty or more years after the events. That concern is based on a lack of knowledge about oral cultures. Go to this link to learn more about oral cultures and the New Testament.

In our lecture, we saw that many scholars explain the material common between Matthew and Luke but absent from Mark as belonging to a source called Q.

This diagram gives a simple presentation of the issues and the relationship between the Gospels. The first column is Mark, the second is Matthew and third is Luke. 'M' represents material unique to Matthew and 'L' represents material unique to Luke. Not all scholars accept that explanation and you can find the other side here. Here is another article that deals with some of the differences between the Gospels.

Regarding the theory that Lazarus was the Beloved Disciple and the author of the Gospel of John, go to this link for more information. Go here for a link to a Youtube video on who wrote the Bible. I do not agree with all that is said and I think that the host misunderstands (or misrepresents) what the Bible scholar says, but I do think that it is a good introduction to the issues.

New Testament Lecture

Darrell Bock has an interesting post on the theme of suffering in the Book of Acts that you can read here. Ben Witherington has an interesting blog post on some themes in Paul that you can find here.

Questions for Discussion
Why do you think certain books were chosen to be in the New Testament and some were not?

Why do the Gospels come first in the New Testament, when they were written after Paul's letters?

How do you explain the similarities and differences between the Gospels? Does using sources contradict inspiration?

What are the differences and similarities between the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John?

Why does the Christian Church rely so much on the Epistles of Paul?

Why would early Christians who were being persecuted be encouraged by the Book of Revelation?

1 comment:

mathieu k. said...

From my end, that's not a problem. I have to catch up on the web-based part anyway. I've more or less caught up on the course notes and web text, but the multimedia and questions take time, and I can't do those on my commute... or maybe I could. Hmm....