Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Unit Two: Old Testament I

The Old Testament was the Bible that Jesus and the earliest Christians had and it is imperative that we have some understanding of it.

Old Testament Issues Lecture

Old Testament Canon Lecture

Old Testament Texts Lecture

For a Jewish tradition about the Greek translation of the Old Testament, go to this link which includes an on-line version of the Jewish writing The Letter of Aristeas.

Torah Lecture

Some people question Moses' authorship of the Torah. Go to this link for a brief introduction to the issues.

Go to this link for a discussion of the date of the Exodus out of Egypt.

Questions for Discussion
What is the difference between the Jewish and Christian order of the Old Testament?

Does a longer process of developing the canon (authoritative collection of books) fit with the doctrine of inspiration? How or how not?

Why would the New Testament writers quote from the Greek Bible rather than the Hebrew Bible?

Do you think the account of the flood in Genesis and that in the Epic of Gilgamesh are related? Why?

Do you believe that Moses wrote the entire Torah? Do you believe that Moses wrote Deuteronomy 34:5-12? How does that fit with Inspiration?

1 comment:

mathieu k. said...

'Does a longer process of developing the canon (authoritative collection of books) fit with the doctrine of inspiration? How or how not?'

Well, they well could be inspired (and have been considered so when and where Jesus walked this earth) without necessarily having to have been part of a universally recognized canon in the time of Christ. Is that what the question is asking?

'Why would the New Testament writers quote from the Greek Bible rather than the Hebrew Bible?'

You say that the Greek was increasingly more understood than Hebrew in the period that the LXX was made. I can't say for sure that that contributed to this.

My first thought was that if they were writing in Greek, it saved the writers the effort of translating Bible texts into Greek--why not use the Greek translation already existing, when you need OT text in your writing?

'Do you think the account of the flood in Genesis and that in the Epic of Gilgamesh are related? Why?'

I like the 'shared memory' thing in your p. 8 footnote.